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Time is one of the main reasons people give up on exercise. But, it doesn’t have to be that way. In this book by fitness trainer, Nigel Lyons, learn how to optimise your time in and out of the gym, improve energy levels, and have more time for your personal and business life.

Here are just some of the things you will learn inside:

  •  The big myths of exercise and nutrition (Some of these will shock you.)
  •  How to set yourself up for success with a new way of goal setting.
  • A simple, effective, and efficient exercise plan.
  • A body weight routine you can do anywhere.
  • How to vary your routine so your body continually adapts and you never get bored!
  • Healthy snacks, a sample meal plan and simple nutritional strategies to help you lose fat for good.
  • How to make your own piece of gym equipment you can bring anywhere.
    And much more!