Online Training

Online Training and Program Design 

We have been operating locally out of Dublin, Ireland, serving busy professional clients for a number of years now.  However, over the last few months with the Covid, I have moved to online coaching, as well as some in person/mobile training.

Online training is a more affordable option for most, while still being able to deliver results.

If you’re in need of a new routine or are unsure of what to do next or where to go with your training, we will put together a professionally designed custom program for you.  Here’s how it works and what it will include:

After initially gathering some health history and establishing your goals, we’ll do a call to speak with you 1 on 1 to talk about your goals and if we’re a good fit. Online coaching is personalised to the individual and encompasses the following:

  • Personalized training routne and nutritional coaching.
  • Access to your True coach app with program, video demo’s and messaging/ check-ins. 
  • Free copy of the Specialised Personal Training client manual.
  • Progressions, modifications, and changes will be made weekly.
  • Monthly check ins for feedback, to evaluate, and reassess goals going forward.
  • Monthly coaching calls to discuss issues in more detail.

This isn’t like other online sources of health and fitness information that may be questionable at best.  This is still coaching with your real live trainer on the other end delivering you step by step, customized and personally designed programming, nutrition and mindset coaching to meet your goals.

This is the same programming and attention given to our 1 on 1 clients.  And we can design programming for you at home or in your gym.

There is a number of different options for this depending on how much one to one is needed, so if you fill out the form below we can discuss on a call.

This program isn’t for everybody.  Ideally, you have some initial experience in resistance training, if not some 1-1 in person or at home zoom coaching will be reccomended. Our methodology isn’t going to be the traditional unfounded fitness info you’re used to hearing.  Our methods are scientifically supported, time tested, and proven.  It’s not the next fad diet. It’s a no BS, proven method that has been working for those of us in the trenches for years which you can see from our testimonials.

Want to get started? 

If so, please fill in the form below with your email and we’ll be in touch with you right away.  Our space and time is still limited so we can only take on a select few clients for this service.  If this sounds like a good option for you, please fill in the form here and find a suitable time in the calendar.

We look forward to getting started working with you.  Thank you!