The 5 Habits of people who stay in shape

I was thinking of what to write about today then this came to mind.

What separates people who are in great shape year round and maintain that, from the people that struggle year to year to get in shape or maintain it.

I’ve tried to small chunk it down to 5 habits!

These are all just based on my observations and thoughts.

1. They stay consistent 

I know. That’s the boring one that nobody wants to hear about but it’s one of the biggest factors. Consistency is what separates people who get in great shape and maintain it from those who go through random periods of exercise and long breaks without anything.

What is being consistent? I would say training consistently 2-3 times per week with no longer than 2-3 weeks of a break without any activity. I know that might seem hard to maintain for a lot of people, but that’s why most people aren’t in the shape they would like to be.

It is good however, and necessary to take a rest every now and then also. If you’ve been exercising consistently for a period of time, taking a week off isn’t going to set you back at all. In fact, the more consistent you are, the more you can get away with taking breaks from exercise.

2. They maintain a good diet most of the time 

Notice I said “most” of the time.  It’s not possible to be perfect all the time. But people who are in shape have a healthy balance. They are good on their nutrition 80-90% of the time and the rest of the time they enjoy some treats without beating themselves up.

3. They have a healthy relationship with food 

They don’t beat themselves up for having some chocolate and then go on a binge. And they don’t starve themselves to punish themselves for being ‘bad’. Having a healthy relationship with food is definitely an important factor for staying in shape.

4. They sleep

They know how important sleep is for getting in shape and maintaining that. So, they establish a good sleep routine which gives them at least 6-8 hours each night.  If you struggle with sleep here is a good resource.

5. They have a positive mindset 

Having a positive focused mindset is a crucial aspect of being in good shape. If you want to get in shape but you see yourself as someone who will always be overweight, you will unconsciously sabotage yourself.

Mindset is a long topic but I wrote a post about it  here. 

For more on this I’d suggest reading the book Mindset by Carol Dweck.

And a final bonus one…

They have accountability 

They have a coach or partner/friend that holds them accountable to staying in shape. It’s not easy to continually motivate yourself to work out when you don’t feel like it. This is where accountability comes in. Doing that workout regardless of how you feel and limiting the voice in your head telling you to go home and lay on the couch instead!

Hope you got some value from this blog post. Share it below with your friends!

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