Author Archives: Nigel Lyons

The 3 way’s busy dads can lose the belly, come off medication and regain their health

*This is a sample of the information provided in the private facebook group “Happier,healthier, fitter Dads. The 3 ways busy Dads can lose their belly, come off medications and regain their health Does this sound familiar? You have spent the … Continue reading

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Is knowledge power?

“Knowledge is power” Is that true would you say?

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Are you exercising correctly?

There is a difference between doing an exercise with proper form and technique than just mindlessly aiming to complete a certain number of reps. One exercise so many people butcher is the bicep curl. You will often see someone using … Continue reading

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Don’t stop now

Do you remember? At the start of the year you most likely had some resolutions for your health and fitness this year. 

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Effort equals results

The more effort you put into something the more you get out of it. That could be said for most things in life. It’s also true when it comes to exercise. (with a caveat) The more effort you put into … Continue reading

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How health and fitness leads to everything else..

One thing I ask people during consultations is “When you look in the mirror, how happy do you feel about your body on a scale of 1-10? 10 being very happy. It’s interesting to hear how people feel about themselves. 

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No time to Exercise?

There is one major reason why most people give up on an exercise program or fail to exercise at all, and that is TIME! Now, more than ever people are working longer, are more stressed and are failing to make … Continue reading

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Consistency + Simplicity = Results

Consistency plus simplicity. That’s the formula that differentiates people who achieve health and Fitness with those who don’t. We all start the New year with lot’s of motivation and pump ourselves up with feel good quotes etc But when motivation … Continue reading

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How to actually achieve your 2018 goals

So it’s a New Year and a good time to reflect on the last year and what went well and what didn’t. Most people decide to set some resolutions at the start of the year. However, the failure rate for … Continue reading

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Why you should start now..

“New Year, New me! “I’ll wait till next year..” Sound familiar?!

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