Tag Archives: exercise

The biggest mistake people make trying to achieve their goals..

There’s a number of mistakes people make when it comes to achieving their health and fitness goal. But one of the biggest one is looking for a quick fix. It’s understandable. You are not feeling good about the weight you … Continue reading

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7 habits of highly effective programs (that get results)

So you’ve tried Zumba, pilates, Spinning and every other class but it hasn’t seemed to work. You’re still in the same shape you are when you started. Or maybe it worked for a while but then you stopped getting results. … Continue reading

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Exercise is like a drug

Slightly ‘out there’ subject line I know! Don’t worry I’m not about to tell you a magic drug you can take to shrink fat! I’ve mentioned this before but it’s worth mentioning again. Time is the main excuse people give … Continue reading

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// Post by Specialised Personal Training.

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How Chronic, Prolonged Sitting Impacts Your Body – and What to Do About It | Eric Cressey | High Performance Training, Personal Training

http://www.ericcressey.com/prolonged-sitting-posture Nice article on the effects of sitting for long periods on the body. Something which alot of people who work in sedentary office jobs experience.

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Myths Vrs Facts- Common misconceptions about Exercise

So today I am going to address some of the common myths in relation to exercise. There are many! Unfortunately for the average person seeking to lose weight there is such a wealth of information out there that it is … Continue reading

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Intensity is key – Exercise for busy people

John completed his 12 reps on the chest press and was about to rest and move on to the next exercise before I stopped him. “How was your set on that exercise, John? John: Yes, good. Could you have done … Continue reading

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